wind power generating system in the Hibiki-Nada area of the Sea of
Japan. The testing is being conducted on an outsourced basis from the
New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization.
This area is located in the Hibiki-Nada area in the coastal zone of
the city. It aims to create a circulating-system for energy and
materials by concentrating recycling industries into this site.
system in the Hibiki-nada area located in the sea off Kitakyushu, it
was learned on January 12.
Hibiki-Nada from near Yutama station
Hibiki-Nada from near Yutama station
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port areas and using the Hibiki-Nada area of Kitakyushu City as
a model.
through from Hibiki-nada to Suo-nada to the north of it, thereby
cutting off a significant corner and bringing us into much calmer
Hibiki-nada, Suou-nada, and Kanmon kaikyo ocean areas, plus clean-up
activities on coastlines that are more than 200 kilometers long in
quiet campus facing to the blue Hibiki-nada open sea, and is in a
favorable environment where students can enjoy full school life in
studying and club activities.