Yellow Sea

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The innermost bay of the Yellow Sea is called the Bohai Sea
(previously Pechihli Bay or Chihli Bay).
The Yellow Sea (Chinese: 黄海) is the name given to the northern part of
the East China Sea, which is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean.
The Yellow Sea is one of four seas named in English after common
colour terms — the others being the Black Sea, the Red Sea and the
the disputed Yellow Sea border since the exchange of fire on November
10, the first such skirmish in seven years.N.
the Yellow Sea was not accidental but the result of a "conspiracy"N.
Korea calls naval clash ''conspiracy'' by S.
Yellow Sea a shallow arm of the Pacific between Korea and NE China.
Area: about 466 200 sq. km (180 000 sq.
The East China and Yellow Seas are located on the western Pacific
Ocean, with connection to the Japan/East Sea through the Korea/
Tsushima Strait to the northeast and the South China Sea
Yellow Sea, a shallow arm of the Pacific Ocean between China and
Yellow sea In Depth
Yellow sea
Connected with
The Yellow Sea is an epicontinental-shelf surrounded by the contiguous
landmasses of Korea and China.
Precipitation over the Yellow Sea is
estimated as 460×109 m3 yr-1 (Lee and Kim 1989), which is about 4
times as large as the total river discharge ca.
The Yellow Sea is under the influence of the
north-east Asian monsoon.
China's Yellow Sea, Word's Yellow Sea-China's Action Plan on YSE
Photo contest on biodiversity and key habitats of the whole Yellow Sea
Environmental and Natural
The 7-year Yellow Sea Ecoregion Support Project is structured as
Yellow Sea Ecoregion Support Project
The Yellow Sea surrounded by China and the Korean Peninsula is noted
for its extremely high biodiversity and rich fishing grounds
The innermost bay of the Yellow Sea is called Bohai Sea (previously
Pechihli Bay or Chihli Bay). Into it flows both the Yellow River.
The Yellow Sea, occasionally called "West Sea" in Korea, is the
northern part of the East China Sea, which in turn is a marginal sea
of the Pacific Ocean.
The Yellow Sea depression has depths in the range of 70 - 80 meters
and provides the major overwintering ground for numerous species of
fish and invertebrates.
* Yellow Sea - A Global Ecoregion
Map of the Yellow Sea Ecoregion with Potential Priority Areas (PPAs).
Map of the Yellow Sea Ecoregion with Potential Priority Areas (PPAs).
The scope of the Yellow Sea Ecoregion Support project is to achieve
effective habitat management for the conservation of biodiversity of
23 Potential Priority Areas (PPAs) in the Yellow Sea Ecoregion
Yellow Sea Ecoregion Support
Project data
* Started: 1, Sep 2007
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The intertidal mudflats of the Yellow Sea are of great importance for
migratory waders or shorebirds.
The Yellow sea, excluding the Bohai, has an area of 380,000km². Its
mean depth is only 44m, with a maximum depth of 152m.
Yellow Sea - driven priorities for
Australian shorebird researchers. pp.
* Country where yellow sea is located?
* Why is the yellow sea is called the yellow sea?
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* Why yellow sea is called yellow sea?
* How did the Yellow Sea get it's name?
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Is the Yellow Sea part of an Ocean?
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Definition. WordNet 1.7.
While the yellow sea snake appears to be common in many parts of its
range (3) (7), a lack of population data means that its current status
is unknown (3).
Yellow sea snake (Hydrophis spiralis)
Species information
* Facts & Status
Yellow sea snake at surface
Yellow sea snake at surfacePrint factsheet
Yellow Sea Information
344 words, approx.
Aspects of the topic Yellow Sea are discussed in the following
additional content sources.
* Magazines
The area of the Yellow Sea proper (excluding the Bo Hai) is
about 146,700 square miles (380,000 square km); its mean depth is 144
feet (44 metres), and its maximum depth is some 500 feet (152
the Yellow SeaPublished on: December 28, 2009 at 13:25 Post
Comment Email Related Stories
* Real estate, CDs not comparable to gold: NIA
* Yellow Sea at HighBeam ResearchPremium information, facts, and biographies
* Yellow Sea on Wikipedia
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western Yellow Sea and in the Eastern Yellow Sea, see Duda and
Sherman, 2002.
The Yellow Sea has marked
seasonal variations and supports both cold temperate species
(eel-pout, cod, flatfish, Pacific herring) and warm water species
(skates, gurnard, jewfish,
The Yellow Sea LME is an important global
resource, supporting substantial populations of fish, invertebrates,
marine mammals and seabirds.
Earth from Space: The Yellow Sea of China
The Yellow Sea of China
25 August 2006
The Yellow Sea, bordered by China, North Korea and South Korea, is
the West Sea, the Yellow Sea is 870 kilometres long and 556 kilometres
The Yellow Sea is bordered on the west and north by the Chinese
provinces Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong and Liaoning.
Embed this Topic The Yellow Sea (Chinese: 黄海) is the name
given to the northern part of the East China Sea, which is a marginal
sea of the Pacific Ocean.
We can tell you that Yellow Sea is a
* Body Of Water
If you know more about Yellow Sea, you can add more facts here »
Yellow Sea or "Hwang Hai" as follows: On the South. The parallel of
33°17' North from Saisyu To (Quelpart)...
* Yellow Sea: meaning and definitions - Yellow Sea: Definition and
* Suggestions for spelling of encyclopedia/yellow sea - The
yellow sea in the spring and summer of 1995 and 1996 (Journal of the
Atmospheric Sciences)
Oil/Gas Accumulative Structures Discovered in the Yellow Sea.
Yellow Sea or Huanghai (hwäng-hī) , arm of the
Pacific Ocean, between China and Korea. It has a maximum depth of 500
ft (152 m).
investigations in the Yellow Sea on each side in the past, however
all these past investigations were not able to cover the whole
Yellow Sea with
The Yellow Sea is a semi-closed and shallow shelf sea adjacent to
the East China Sea on the south and is linked up with the Bohai
The bottom topography of the Yellow Sea is
characterized by the Yellow Sea trough with a water depth of 70 to
100m stretching from southeast to north and
surrounding the Yellow Sea including 1 billion who live within a
2-hour flight of Gyeonggi-do. Accordingly, it has the potential to
become a popular marine tourism area if competitively equipped.
Yellow Sea to be developed for tourism
Posted Apr.
Yellow Sea to be developed for tourism | Korea.
The Yellow Sea and Boohoo Sea as one large marine ecosystem (LME) is
located at temperate Zone. The number of species is much less than
other seas.
Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea, which are also
semi-closed seas, spanning from tropical, subtropical and temperate
zones among 3-41°N latitudes.
The Yellow Sea is about 380,000 km2, and the East
and South China Seas are about 770,000, and 3,500,000 km2,
The Yellow Sea got its name from the yellowish discoloration
caused by the vast amount of particulate material discharged by
The Yellow Sea got its name from the yellowish discoloration caused by
the vast amount of particulate material discharged by the Huang He
The Yellow Sea is a semi-enclosed southwestern North Pacific embayment
located between China and Korea with the Gulf of Liaodong to the
northeast and the West Korea Bay
The innermost bay of the Yellow Sea is called the Bohai Sea which was
previously called Pechihli Bay or Chihli Bay.
The Yellow Sea is the northern part of the East China Sea, which in
turn is a marginal sea of the Pacific Ocean.
tide and submerged at high tide of the Yellow Sea are of great
importance for migratory waders or shorebirds.
Yellow Sea - part of the Pacific off the east coast of AsiaHuang HaiBo
Hai, Po Hai - an inlet of the Yellow Sea, on the coast of Eastern
Yellow Sea An arm of the Pacific Ocean between the Chinese mainland
and the Korean Peninsula. It connects with the East China Sea to the
Yellow Sean (Placename) a shallow arm of the Pacific between Korea and
NE China. Area: about 466 200 sq. km (180 000 sq.
Yellow Sea, GIWA Regional assessment 34PublisherUniversity of Kalmar
on behalf of United Nations Environment ProgrammePublication dateJune,
2005AuthorsTeng, S.K., Yu, H., Tang, Y., Tong, L., Choi, C.I., Kang,
The Yellow sea is a
semi-enclosed water body bordering the Chinese mainland to the west
and the Korean Peninsula to the east.
The Yellow Sea is an inlet of the Pacific Ocean lying between
mainland China on the west and north, and the Korean Peninsula on the
dot The Yellow Sea derives its name from the color of the silt-laden
water discharged from the numerous Chinese rivers that drain into its
multi-source and heterogeneous information of the Yellow Sea region
and provide convenient and effective data sharing services through
World Wide Web.